
Almost 10 days gone from the 50.

It has been a tough start for a few reasons but I remain on track.

The most important thing remains.

I can be better and do more.

Am I achieving that?


Is there more to do?


I am happy with most of what has been achieved so far.

Physically I am in pain as I have smashed my training and am really pleased with how that has gone. 8 sessions in 10 days.

Surprised my strength has remained so well after two weeks off and a lot of shit food and booze!

In 10 days so far I have done in excess of 100k steps. Neat Up!!

I have read The Daily Stoic (highly recommended) everyday and done some head space each day too. Both of these really help with my thoughts.

Gratitude has been a massive thing for me to start the year.

Grateful for who I have by my side.

Grateful for having a roof over my head and food to eat.

Grateful for following my passion for a living and the opportunities that will bring.

Simple things matter and I am learning to appreciate more.

I would urge everyone to practice some gratitude every now and then. It is a very powerful tool and can help you realign to what is important and support any goals you may have.

This week I launched my new recipe books and am looking to have a new one produced each month. These are tailored towards anyone who needs some guidance with their fat loss goals. Along with a strong training plan, these e-books can help with what most find the biggest challenge, nutrition. Check out my Instagram for more info with a link in the bio to get in touch.

Final thought. We are half way through January and it is at this point most people with a new found fitness goal begin to waiver. Take some time to think, to review and to write some plans down for the next 15 days to ensure you stay on track. Keep it Simple!